So, a week since we went live with the beta version of the site, and so far we have some excellent content. Laura and I have done
three round-up posts in the Warlord area linking to the Warlord related articles. Of more general interest however, Jeremiah has written
three articles on
tournament attendence and Pete has written about the importance of the
human element in a game.
For those interested in wargames, I wrote an article yesterday evening about
the lessons I learned from, well, having my backside handed to me in a game of AK-47 Republic. I regularly find that it's not winning games that helps you improve, it's losing - same applies in tournaments, when I've won big, I've not learnt much. The person I fear most when I hit the cut is the person I beat in the Swiss, if they're good enough to still cut, then they're good enough to figure out where they've gone wrong.
I've been a bit busy, and am suffering from a cold as well, so progress is slow, but steady. I'm planning a "dead games" section or two, for Doomtown, and possibly Spycraft as well. I'd like an L5R section, and am thinking of a board games section. Many people have contacted about being either guests or columnists, including a few notable names. I'll get through everyone as and when I can. I'm tweaking templates and appearances, and working on a proper visual identity for the site (logos, etc), I'm quite happy with the way the Warlord section is now looking, but will continue to apply tweaks.
I'll also probably add an 'admin' column somewhere, to put this sort of remark, alongside a few "how-to"s and similar. Probably. Lots to do, but no real rush, the site can build up gradually, right?